Did you Complete Your Passport?
Hugh Jass Season = November 1st, 2020 to February 28th, 2021
Fat Bikes = 3.7” or wider! Fat Bikers Win Prizes. This will be self policed this year, but we classify a fat bike at 3.7” or fatter. Cheating is for losers. Be a winner.
Course Respect. Each of our locations have slightly different rules and requirements for riding. Respect the time frames. Respect trail closures. Make it so we will be welcome to come back next season.
Passport Completion. Each course has a secret password. Complete the passport & win points. Riders with the most points at the end of the season will be entered into the drawing for the big prizes!
3 WAYS TO WIN Prizes:
If you want to play the fast game, you have to play it on Strava.
Each course will have 3 Strava Segments (as seen in the passport & will be updated on the HUGH JASS Stava Page) that will be monitored for top ranking. Record your time out on the course anytime (when conditions are good) before March 1st, 2021 to be included on the Hugh Jass Race Result Spreadsheet.
Each segment will award the fastest 50 folks with points:
1st place= 50 points
2nd place = 49 points
3rd place = 48 points and so on…
Each course will take the points from the 3 segments combined (ex: 148 points) and award the top 3 overall point winners for each of the following 3 categories.
Juniors (<16)
Each course’s Fast Point Winner will be awarded swag and Wheel & Sprocket Gift Cards in March 2021.
If you want to play the fun game, you have to play it on Facebook.
Monthly Photo & Video Contest
Post on our Hugh Jass Facebook page or tag us with #hughjassfatbikeseries on Instagram each month, and we will vote & choose winners for our 4 monthly themes:
November: Hugh Jass- Plaid/Flannel on Person & Bike!
December: Holiday Theme!
January: Alien Abduction Theme!
February: Bike Love
Photos & videos must be taken on the Hugh Jass Courses, parking lots, coupon partners locations to qualify
Swag & Fun prizes will be awarded each month (November-February) for the best photo.
Winners will be announced by the 5th of the next month.
Each course has a secret password on the sign at the trail head.
On the last pages of the passport, please add the day you rode & the password in the corresponding box. Note some courses are worth more points. You do not get multiple points for completing the same course more than once.
Visit each of the passport locations & win points.
Riders with the most points at the end of the season will be entered into the drawing for the big prizes from our awesome, super cool SPONSORS.
Note- if you do not have a google email account to upload your passport you can email your picture to events@wheelandsprocket.com. Please include “Passport Completion” in the Subject Line- and the names of people who completed this passport